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Lower emissions, lower operating costs and increased security at sea are some of the key elements in autonomy development. A positive side-effect is that existing seagoing vehicles can benefit from the new developments in this area - in terms of safety and security. By appointing this area as an test area for autonomy, Norway takes an active role to be one of the first to offer this knowledge and competence to the industry.

If you or your organisation have thoughts and plans for seagoing autonomous vehicles, Trondheimsfjorden would be a natural starting point to test it. Several institutions and world leading companies are situated in Trondheim, and ready to help!

SINTEF Ocean is appointed to be a coordinating asset in the use of this Fjord Laboratory, and if you require further information about the test area, please use the form below.

Thank you! We will be shortly in contact.

© 2017 b

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